United States
“Millions of birds from six continents—songbirds, shorebirds, waterfowl—find their way every spring to Yukon Delta, decked out in courtship plumage and focused on a single objective: starting a new generation.”
Wildlife reserves of the United States exceed those of any other country in the geographic span they cover, the diversity of habitat they provide, and the variety and numbers of wildlife they protect. Reserves range from the east coast of Maine almost to Siberia, from above the Arctic circle to below the tropic of Cancer in habitats ranging from Alaskan tundra to tropical rain forests and coral reefs.
Alaska is home of the world’s two largest land carnivores, where polar bears hunt seals off ice floes and great Kodiak brown bears fatten for winter at streams brimming with millions of spawning salmon.
Monstrous alligators bellow in Florida’s EVERGLADES swamps and majestic bald eagles soar over sawgrass expanses where otters play and panthers scream.
Rare, graceful whooping cranes dance on Texas’ ARANSAS REFUGE. Elk, timber wolves, and grizzlies coexist in YELLOWSTONE, world’s oldest national park. Millions of migratory birds— geese, ducks, and bright small songbirds—move in spring and fall along both coasts and on flyways through the country’s midsection.
Despite these reserves, up to a third of these species are at risk from human and environmental pressures—so places such as these are essential.
United States
Pinhook Swamp and Osceola National Forest
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Western States
Southeastern States