Dzanga-Ndoki Park
Surrounded and buffered by the DZANGA-SANGHA RESERVE in which limited hunting and other uses are permitted and where Ba’Aka people partner in protected area management while living in traditional ways. Reserve management is shared also with WCS and GTZ, aid organization of the German government.
Visitor facilities have been largely in the planning stage for trails, river trips, lodging, treks to visit western lowland gorillas and forest elephants at salt clearings, so best check ahead for guiding and other arrangements. This can be done with the WWF office in Bangui. Dzanga is 7.4 miles (12 km) from Bayanga, where there is a welcome center located 325 miles (525 km) southwest of Bangui, reachable by minibus, rented 4WD or chartered air. Ndoki, less accessible, is about five miles (8 km) south of Lidjombo.
Dzanga-Sangha adjoins the NOUABALÉ-NDOKI NATIONAL PARK in the Congo Republic (see p.46)—to form a protected area altogether of more than 5,000 square miles (some 14,000 km2) where wildlife, unaware of national borders, can cross freely back and forth.
To say poaching is under control would exaggerate, but it has been down significantly. Armed,well-trained rangers patrol, and animals from surrounding areas have moved in (hunting safaris in neighboring areas could, at least until recently, legally shoot a handsome endangered spiral horned bongo, or, prime trophy, Lord Derby’s eland for $30,000 U.S. or so).
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for lodging information about this Reserve
Bamingui-Bangoran National Park and Biosphere Reserve